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國際軍備輸出管制其實是共通準則,但是最完備法規其實就是美國「國際軍備移轉條例」(ITAR: International Traffic in Arms Regulations)其規範國防品項defense articles、國防勞務defense services以及相關技術資料related technical data,自美國轉移至任何境外目的地或是交付至外籍人士之手,不論此等移轉過程是在美國境內抑或是境外,皆受其規範。


在境外移轉extra-territorial transfers軍備不論是再出口或是再移轉,其定義範圍包括

The re-export or re-transfer of defense articles from one foreign person to another, not previously authorized (i.e., transferring an article that has been exported to a foreign country from that country to a third country).


Transferring the registration, control, or ownership to a foreign person of any aircraft, vessel, or satellite covered by the USML, whether the transfer occurs in the United States or abroad.


The reexport/retransfer/transfer of non-US origin items that incorporate any US defense articles.

所以不論是實際交付抑或是登記產權移轉,都受到規範,同時亦要獲得原產製國准許獲得輸出許可。其實有時就在同個國家內,將軍用裝備轉為警用、民用、科技研究或是展示,甚至在原始軍備品項除役報廢拆解後,拿出其中關鍵組件,裝配在其他裝備系統上,都要申請輸出許可。所以只要不符合原先在輸入時所提「最終使用者承諾書」(EUU: End User Undertaking)所明列之對象、品項與數量,只要有所變化,都要依據規範申請輸出許可。



The ITAR uses three different terms to designate export-controlled items – defense articles, technical data, and defense services. 


Defense Article means any item or technical data that is specifically designed, developed, configured, adapted, or modified for a military, missile, satellite, or other controlled use listed on the USML.  Defense articles also include things such as models, mock-ups, or other items, i.e. technical data related to items. Note that sometimes defense articles include items not listed on the USML.


Technical Data means any information for the design, development, assembly, production, operation, repair, testing, maintenance, or modification of a defense article. Technical data may include drawings or assembly instructions, operations and maintenance manuals, and email or telephone exchanges where such information is discussed. However, technical data does not include general scientific, mathematical, or engineering principles commonly taught in schools, information present in the public domain, general system descriptions, or basic marketing information on function or purpose.


Defense Service means providing assistance, including training, to a foreign person, whether in the United States or abroad in the design, manufacture, installation, repair, or operation of a defense article, as well as providing technical data. Defense services also include informal collaboration, conversations, or interchanges concerning technical data.

請睜開眼睛看看Defense Service基本定義,那兒有個斬釘截鐵manufacture字樣,要是說設計階段獲得技術協助此等國防勞務項目要輸出許可,而製造階段不需要,誰說這種違反基本常識的笑話,就拿出個法條來讓大家開開眼界吧!










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