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Article56 Rights, jurisdiction and duties of the coastal State in the exclusive economic zone

1. In the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State has:

(a) 【sovereign rights】for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources, whether living or non-living, of the waters superjacent to the seabed and of the seabed and its subsoil, and with regard to other activities for the economic exploitation and exploration of the zone, such as the production of energy from the water, currents and winds;

(b) 【jurisdiction】 as provided for in the relevant provisions of this Convention with regard to:

(i) the establishment and use of artificial islands, installations and structures;

(ii) marine scientific research;

(iii) the protection and preservation of the marine environment;

(c) other rights and duties provided for in this Convention.



President Joe Biden has been briefed on the matter and his national security team is examining the Chinese claim to understand exactly what it entails, the people said. The team is looking at the language China has used to describe the strait in previous decades and is working with US allies to assess their interpretations of the language. 


北京與華盛頓過招,向來多半是華盛頓出招,北京被動接招,但顯然北京是被華盛頓東戳西刺搞火,同時也為許多空穴來風強辭奪理話題搞毛,因此這次轉守為攻主動出擊對著這個International waters開刀,顯然就有機會可視為軍事戰略學上cumulating point,攻守是否就此易位,恐怕還很難說。


但從美國沒有以膝蓋反彈式直覺反應,惡狠狠地堅持用這International waters,反而是由國務院發言人在回覆路透社採訪電子郵件中,改口將臺灣海峽稱為international waterway,然後到現在沒有後續發言,顯然是心知肚明確有理虧之處;否則就不會出現上述那段報導情節。至於去諮詢汪文斌講話根據何在,那就不知道是否與此有關囉!


再講一個客觀事實;現在經過數日翻騰,誠如我在臉書率先貼文所揭露,International waters係出自美軍準則《指揮官海戰法手冊》中,基於管制作戰考量之對內用語,毫無國際法基礎可言。下面還是再提一下,請大家參考:


international waters之定義可見於2022年3月所最新刊行,美國海軍編號NWP 1-14M、美國海軍陸戰隊編號MCTP 11-10B,以及美國海岸防衛隊編號COMDTPUB P5800-7A,名稱為「指揮官海戰法手冊」(The Commander’s Handbook on the Law of Naval Operations)之跨軍種通用準則第1-8頁第1-6節;該項準則可於下列網頁查獲全文:





For operational purposes, international waters include all ocean areas not subject to the sovereignty of a coastal State. All waters seaward of the territorial sea are international waters in which the high seas freedoms of navigation and overflight are preserved to the international community. International waters include contiguous zones, EEZs, and high seas.


同時在《聯合國海洋法公約》各個條文,根本就沒有這個辭語。而international waterway不但未曾出現在《聯合國海洋法公約》,亦未出現在前述美軍準則中,美國真是開口愈辯愈糟。


至於昨天又有人扯出international Strait,這實在是很對不起,這又是美軍閉門造法的產物,因為查遍《聯合國海洋法公約》就是沒有這個名辭,但是在前述美軍準則第2-8頁第2.5.3節,美軍將《聯合國海洋法公約》第三部分用於國際航行的海峽(PART III. STRAITS USED FOR INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION)偷天換日地創出這個international strait名辭,然後在該節五種海峽分類第三類中,臺灣海峽斬釘截鐵地就在那個分類之中,其原文如下: Types of International Straits


3. Straits not completely overlapped by territorial seas (e.g., a high seas corridor exists, such as Japan’s approach in the Soya, Tsugara, Tshushima East Channel, Tshushima West Channel, Osumi Straits, and the Taiwan Strait). High seas freedoms apply in the corridor.


我跟來電詢問我的朋友說,假若美國政府到現在還在那邊要去跟北京打口水戰,總是要搞清楚自己底牌吧?整個五角大廈難道那麼多律師,都沒有人回過頭來看看自己準則是怎樣定位臺灣海峽嗎?還要死鴨子嘴硬扯啥個international waters或International waterway嗎?



Samson Ellis, Bloomberg Taipei Bureau Chief, discusses the U.S rejecting China’s claims over the Taiwan Strait. He spoke with host Doug Krizner on Bloomberg Radio. 



就法論法,美艦當然可以正常航行通過臺灣海峽,北京亦未加以限制,但北京不爽的是每次通過時,要大張旗鼓並且機機歪歪地發個新聞稿,好像幹了個多偉大的事;再加上胡亂找個名辭International waters來亂打烏賊戰。所以真是不要再繪聲繪影造謠北京又要將臺灣海峽內海化,北京從未講過這種話,我們也不要睜眼撒謊。






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